Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day Jitters? Nah!

Today was the first day of school. It was a great day and things went more smoothly than I expected with all of the construction going on around campus. I started the morning with 35 on my class roster and ended the day with 39. Yes! That's a lot of kiddos to house in one small space (Welcome to California education!). It's not likely that they will all stay in my room--all of our upper-grade classes are overflowing and I imagine a combo or two is coming to relive the stress (I personally would take 45 kids over a combo, if given the option.)

Anyhoo...I love all the first day, bright shiny hopeful faces just bursting with excitement. I love seeing the crisp uniforms, fresh haircuts, colorful tennis shoes, and funky backpacks walking through the door. My kidlets seem eager to learn and excited to be on the "big kids" playground now.

I'm not sure we accomplished all that much today--but we sure stayed busy all day. I did the usual full hour of rules and regulations including the new Character Counts pillars, took a couple brain breaks, had a mingle party with the other 4th grade class, started 4 seed stories for Writer's Workshop, had recess and ate lunch, and went over first-day packets. Whew! Now that I think about it--we did a lot! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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